Equipment, Accessories And Fell Running Gear

Running up and down hills can be an exhaustive sport but one that is full of danger and endless opportunities to take in sights from mountains, hills and valleys around the world. Fell runners all have one thing in common aside from their distinct ability to keep on running no matter the degree of the vertical or horizontal plain.

Which is the fell running gear required to compete as well as simply partake in one of the world's most wonderful long distance running sports in the world. It is quite a basic sport, however you need to travel light, ensure your feet are fully protected and comfortable at all times and that your clothing is both lightweight and offers warmth against all weathers and has the ability to breathe.

Footwear And Clothing Made For Running Up Hills

Beanies, sun hats, gaiters, technical caps, running socks and base layers are all important pieces of clothing for fell running. Although decent footwear will certainly hold you in good stead.

You can get a half decent shoe for £50, the more professional range around £100 however. There is a whole category of fell running shoe that you can buy online or in the shop, simply ask. They go by the name of Mudclaw, Crosslite and Trailroc and are made by Innov-8 and Sportiva and are designed especially for the rough and wet terrain of fell running.

Rucksack, Haversack Or Bum Bag

When running you are not going to be willing to carry anything, you'll need those hands of yours to balance your weight and prevent yourself from falling should the worse occur. Take along a bag that you feel comfortable wearing. Some people opt for a small haversack for the centre of the back but most seem to find a bum bag can contain the majority of the essentials required on a short fell running course.

Waterproofs And Windproof Jackets

If you're a runner then you have probably been a hiker at some point also. In which case you will be accustomed to the types of clothing you need to wear when facing up to the elements on the peaks and troughs of the UK's mountains and hills. For the wind quite simply you need wind proof clothing, for the rain and mist, waterproof leggings, jackets and lightweight trousers.

Map And Compass With Whistle

Not all routes are well marked or marked at all. A lot of courses have supporters and guides the length of the route but when you consider some routes are seventy miles long that isn't always possible or necessary. So you will have grid references to plan your course and having the ability to map read will help. The whistle is in case you can't.